Friday 5 November 2010

Caving with Toddlers

He's been in one of those moods all week. You know the ones, where they have more energy than they can burn off, more enthusiasm than you can direct into a task and, well, more to say for themselves than ever before! On days where we can get out and about, I really enjoy those moods. I feel Beanie's learning is almost tangible. His enthusiasm and energy for life radiate from him, and a walk in the woods, jumping from tree stumps, kicking leaves, hunting for squirrels and collecting conkers/acorns/pine cones in the spotty bag which goes EVERYWHERE, is an absolute joy. It's getting to the woods that's the problem or more specifically, getting to a point where we can leave the house, without leaving utter devastation behind us!

This morning, whilst attempting to dry my hair, Beanie began to play with the clothes airer. I remember playing with my Nana's clothes airer as a child so I watched him and listened as he chatted away. "Building a cave! Look Mummy! A cave!" he chatted as he turned it on its side and made a traingular prism shape with the sides. "I made a cave!" he shouted whilst crawling through. Now Mummy really ought to know better than  to interfere with children whilst role playing, but interfere I did and fetched a black bed sheet from the airing cupboard, draping it over the 'cave'. Feeling quite proud of myself for enabling his play further, I stood back. "No Mummy, that's not a cave," said the Boy quite indignantly, whilst pulling the sheet off the cave. He looked at me, picked the sheet up and said "I doing it!". The sheet was re-arranged and 10 minutes of crawling in and out of the cave ensued. Moo got in on the act and crawled in and out too, giggling away. They really do have a language and way of communicating all of their own.

2 hours later we still haven't left the house... whilst I tidied away the 'cave', he had water play with the toothbrush holder... whilst I mopped up the water he made a 'bed' with the duvet covers I had put to one side to take to the Thrift Shop and took a bath in the baby bath which was also headed to the Thrifty.... whilst I re-arranged my Thrift pile a whole train/car  track extravaganza was constructed in the lounge! Upstairs is tidy, downstairs not, and I haven't even touched the breakfast things. Moo is dressed, Beanie has been dressed three times, undressing himself again after 5 minutes. It's been one of those mornings, but at least someone has had fun. Daddy will be home soon, so maybe we will get out of the house this afternoon?

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