Sunday 17 October 2010

Weekending with Us- Part Two- Lazy Saturdays?

Lazy Saturdays? Not in our house.

We popped into town to see if the library had any free range education/ Montessori books in. They did not. Nor did any of the libraries in the rest of our county, or the neighbouring county, have any of the 8 books on my list. They weren't particularly unusual books, maybe its all the cutbacks!

We were slightly luckier in a charity shop where, although they didn't have any jigsaws, I did find these beautiful Chinese bowls, which I snapped up.


My lovely friend Bev has quite a collection of these, which she uses with her minded children at Chinese New Year. It was lovely to watch them tucking into chicken and sweetcorn soup last time we did a 'Festivals Day', so I was watching out for some of my own. I'm chuffed to have found them.

We also picked up a threading toy for Beanie. Again I had been looking out for some cotton reels or similar for a while for him to thread onto a shoe lace. This was even better though, brightly painted wooden animals. He loves it!

The afternoon saw us doing some bits and bobs in the garden. The boys made a great raised bed from an old wooden pallet.

Just another lazy Saturday with us then!

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